thousand adj. 1.千,千个的。 2.无数的,很多的。 a thousand times 几千次;好多次,层次。 a thousand times easier 容易得多(一千倍)。 A thousand thanks [pardons, apologies]. 万分感谢[对不起]。 (a) thousand and one 无数的,很多很多的。 different in a thousand and one ways 千差万别。 for the thousand and first time 无数次,三番二次。 in the upper ten thousand 〔古、口〕属于上层贵族阶级。 n., 1.千,一千个[人,东西];千的记号。 2.〔pl.〕无数,许多。 a thousand=one thousand 一千。 three thousand 三千。 a hundred thousand 十万。 thousands of people 数千人。 a thousand to one =〔口语〕 a thousand nuts to an orange pip 千对一,几乎绝对的。 by the thousand 论千,按千(出售等)。 by thousands 好几千。 one in a thousand 千里挑一的人物,罕有[杰出]人物;例外。 tens of thousands of men 几万人。 thousands and tens of thousands 千千万万。
eight n. 1.八的记号。 2.八人[物]一组;(八人的)赛艇选手。 3. 8字形(物);【溜冰】8字形花样。 4. 八汽缸发动机,八汽缸汽车。 5. 八点钟;八岁;八号衣服[鞋袜];(纸牌中的)8。 eight-fifteen 8点15分。 a piece of eight (西班牙从前的)8R (=8 reals) 银币。 at eight 在八点钟。 eight ball 1. 【美撞球】标有8字的黑球〔把这个球最先打进袋里,就全盘算输〕。 2. 【无线电】无定向话筒。 be behind the eight ball 〔美俚〕处境危险[非常不利]。 eight bells 【航海】八击钟〔分别在四时半、八时半及十二时半各击钟一下,其后每半小时递增一击,逢四时、八时及十二时刚好八击〕。 in eights 用八个音节的诗行。 have one over the eight 〔英俚〕醉得七颠八倒。 the Eights 牛津及剑桥两大学的划船比赛。
This tractor is worth eight thousand dollars in the rough . 这台拖拉机约值8千元。
Nearly eight thousand bombs were hurled against antwerp, but the damage they did was negligible . 德国向安特卫普发射了约有八千枚飞弹,但造成的损失微不足道。
The one fact to remember was that eight thousand men, white men, with guns and tear gas, were out there in the night looking for him . 要牢记的一个事实是,有八千人,都是白人,带着枪支和催泪弹,夤夜出来搜捕他。
Eight thousand bucks for that blouse is a rip - off 那件上衣卖8 , 000元,简直是敲竹杠。
About eight thousand five hundred kilometres 大约八千五百公里。
Eight thousand prayers of pradina , a pattra sutra of the tang dynasty 唐代贝叶经《八千颂》 。
The number of saudi students more than doubled , to nearly eight thousand 沙特的学生数量翻了两倍多,接近8000
The number of saudi students more than doubled , to nearly eight thousand 沙特的数量是去年的双倍,接近八千人。
The number of saudi students more than doubled , to nearly eight thousand 沙特的留学生增加了一倍,接近8000名。
The number of saudi students more than doubled , to nearly eight thousand 沙特学生数增长超过两倍,接近8000人。